International Symposium of Ligaments & Tendons – XI
January 12, 2011
University of California, Irvine
Long Beach, California

This year, ISL&T-XI was held at the University of California, Irvine in Long Beach, CA and hosted by Drs. Thay Lee and Ranjan Gupta. The enthusiasm of the participants was overwhelming! This meeting continues to be multidisciplinary, as well as having international exposure with large numbers of global experts in attendance. Orthopaedic surgeons, biologists, bioengineers from the U.S., Asia, and Europe contributed to this meeting. A total of 36 papers were presented with half of the presentations coming from young investigators (students and post-doctoral) and half from senior investigators followed by a spirited discussion. The science presented was at the highest level.
Consistent with last year, we were able to recognize outstanding papers presented by students, fellows and residents with awards for the Savio L-Y. Woo Young Researcher Award, Best Student Paper, Best Research Fellow Paper and Best Poster. Each award consisted of a certificate and a check for US$200 (donated by Flexcell International Corporation). Again, the competition was spirited with many high quality presentations. The award winners are listed below:
ISLT – XI Award Winners
Savio L-Y. Woo Young Researcher Award Winner
Biology Category
Jeffrey P. Brown
Advisor: Dr. Catherine Kuo
Tufts University
Biomechanics Category
Dr. Joo Han Oh
Advisor: Professor Thay Q. Li
University of California, Irvine
Best Research Fellow Paper
Jae Chul Yoo
Sungkyunkwan University
Best Student Paper
Jessica Telleria
Stanford University
Best Poster
Nathan Schiele
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute