Submitted by the SIAT Centre for Translational Medicine Research and Development

Dr. & Mrs. Savio Woo were guests of the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) on June 27, 2024. Dr. Woo presented a lecture titled “Translational Research and Education Case Sharing” at SIAT’s Translational Medicine Research and Development Center.

Drawing on his extensive experience of over 50 years, Dr. Woo delved into the concepts and advancements in translational bioengineering, particularly those related to the musculoskeletal system. His talk seamlessly intertwined the progression of scientific exploration with a profound understanding of life itself. He emphasized the importance of a humble and dedicated approach for young researchers and encouraged them to think independently, delve deeper into the “why, what, and how” of scientific inquiry, and to avoid over-reliance on search engines such as Baidu adn Google. In sharing his own journey, Dr. Woo instilled a message of empowerment: “If I can do it, you can do it too.

A Q&Z session followed, where Dr. Woo addressed questions from faculty, students, and researchers. The discussions covered scientific research exchange, student education, and training. Participants lauded the lecture for broadening their academic scope and reigniting their passion for scientific exploration and innovation.

Representatives from various SIAT departments, including the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, the Research Department’s International Cooperation Office, and others, along with faculty members from the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Southern University of Science and Technology, all actively participated in the event.
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