On Saturday, July 24, it was a joy to celebrate Dr. Woo’s 80th birthday. Over 100 people from around the world joined virtually to recollect the many stories of him taking 19 days to travel by boat from Hong Kong to San Francisco as a young man to the winning of an Olympic Gold Medal. We not only admire his remarkable achievement, but also are touched by his endearing humanity. As Chancellor Nordenberg eloquently stated in his opening remarks, “The power of Savio’s example, the insights that he so generously shared, and the many kindnesses he extended, helped to elevate those whose lives he touched. He has been ambitious in the best possible ways, not just for himself, but for everyone around him, hoping that each of us could join his company as a person of positive impact.”
We are in the process of editing the video of the event and will post it for everyone to view shortly