Every year, the editorial board of the ASME Journal of Biomedical Engineering selects the top papers published in their journal in the past year. Congratulations to Steve Abramowitch and his co-authors William Baron, Katrina Knight and Pamela Moalli for having their paper “Deformation of Transvaginal Mesh in Response to Multiaxial Loading” be selected as one of the JBME Editors’ Choice papers for 2019. Only 10 papers out of over 100 that appeared in the journal in 2019 were selected, representing those that the editorial board felt best exemplified the high quality and signifcance of work in JBME. The list will be published in the Annual Special Issue February 2020.
Dr. Woo · February 20, 2020 at 11:14 am
Congratulations Steve!
This is an honor that is well deserved.
Jerry Lowder, MD · March 25, 2020 at 4:44 pm
Congratulations Steve & team!